The stories and experiences written on this blog are personal, of my own opinion, and free from the opinions and influences of third parties.
I do not get compensated to provide favourable opinions on products and services, and do not accept offers to do so. If I do receive a complimentary product/service, it will be very clearly identified with a disclosure. If I am compensated to mention a product or service, it will be very clearly identified with a disclosure. I never provide exposure to products or services that I do not honestly believe to be of high quality and high value to my readership.
This website contains affiliate links. When you click on these links and make a purchase from a third party, I may receive a commission. It does not cost you extra to use these links. They are disclosed simply in the spirit of full disclosure. Every affiliate link is a product/service that I have personally used and can vouch for. I will never promote products/services that I have no experience with, or cannot honestly endorse.
I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.
All content on this blog is written by me. If there are guests posts, they are clearly identified. Commercial or sponsored guest posts are never accepted or published.